Student life offers a unique chance to meet new people, explore diverse cultures, and engage in exciting initiatives. Don’t miss out on this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Immersing yourself in student life provides an unparalleled opportunity...
Join us as we explore the intricacies of university terminology and decipher the meanings behind commonly used abbreviations. In this insightful episode, we have the privilege of hosting a student who is actively involved in the FGV at Leuphana...
Discover the essential steps and preparations for studying in Germany in our latest episode of “How to Study in Germany.” From gathering essential documents to language requirements, we provide practical tips and insider knowledge to...
Uncover the story of Bradley Ransom’s bold leap from Michigan to Germany in our latest podcast episode of “How to Study in Germany”. Witness his remarkable journey as he navigates a new language, delves into Arts and Cultural...
Hold on to your lederhosen because we’ve got a surprise for you! We gathered 10 things worth knowing about Germany before coming here, from the perspective of Julia Bogusz from Poland, Liza Yakimova from Ukraine, and...